Youm-e-Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat (PBUH)- Prevention of Blasphemous Material/ Activities on Social Media

Youm-e-Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat (PBUH)- Prevention of Blasphemous Material/ Activities on Social Media

On March 19, 2024, NTU Quran Society in collaboration with HEC Youth Development Center conducted an awareness session on the topic of “Youm-e-Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat”. Mr. Mansoor Ahmad was the guest speaker and addressed the youth about the importance of this topic. Rector NTU Prof. Dr. Tanveer Hussain was the chief guest, he delivered his views and answered the queries of students about the theme. The event was followed by a walk by students, faculty, and staff of NTU. The event witnessed the presence of the NTU community and emphasized the importance of collective efforts in safeguarding religious sanctity on social media platforms.
