Financial Support

Financial Support


خود ہی، خود سے

سب کو سب تک

At school of Arts & Design, to support education of less fortunate students, we have started a financial assistance program based on a sustainable model. This financial fund was initially started in 2020 by the contributions of faculty members of School of Arts & Design. Basic motivation for starting this financial support fund was that we wanted to ensure that no student shall discontinue their studies due to unavailability of financial resource, owning to any cause, either permanent or temporary.

The financial assistance model is based on extending the facility of NO MARKUP loan which the student has to pay back so that the funds can be used for supporting other students. Students are given two options for returning the loan:

  1. They can return loan amount in smaller chunk as per their own convenience and within reasonable time frame.
  2. They develop any artwork or design of commercial worth/importance and School of Arts will purchase their products on agreed price, adjusting against their loan amount.

This has made our financial support model sustainable and collected funds are recirculated or reused again and again, increasing the support base. Our prime aim is to give wings to our student to fly to explore rather than to crawl with burdens.


SR# Donor/Company Gender Amount
1 Nida Ramzan Female 0
2 Dr. Zafar Javed Male 0
3 Ms. Zunaira Saleem Female 0
4 Ms. Marryum Saeed Female 0
5 Ms. Sidra Sheraz Female 0
6 Ms. Rafia Asghar Female 0
7 Muhammad Saquib Male 0
8 Dr. Salman Naeem Male 0
9 Anam Nasir Female 0
10 Ms Arooba Kashif Female 0
11 Ahsan Ali Male 0
12 Ms Maham Nadeem Female 0
13 Ms Maryum Rasool Female 0
14 Mr. Fazal Mehmood Male 50,000
15 Bilkees Jameel Student Support Fund Male 500,000
16 Final Year TD 2022 Female 0
17 SOAD Faculty collection Female 413,500
18 Faculty Member SOAD Female 10,000
  Total 973,500

Student Financial Support

SR# Student Gender Degree Loan Amount Returned Work Done Balance
      Total 0 0 0 0