3rd year students of Textile engineering students visited Artistic Milliners (Pvt) LTD

3rd year students of Textile engineering students visited Artistic Milliners (Pvt) LTD

National Textile University Karachi Campus organized an industrial tour to Artistic Milliners (Pvt) LTD for 5th semester students of Textile and Clothing Department, on October 28, 2020. Artistic Milliners (Pvt) LTD is a vertical denim manufacturing company with a capacity of 1.8 million garments /month. Their garments facilities are equipped with the most advanced automated machines and functions capable of producing variety of fashion garments.

The tour was coordinated by Miss. Haleema ( Lecturer, DTC) and Mr. Umair Alam (Lecturer, MM). The purpose of tour was to elaborate on the present and advanced techniques used in garments manufacturing mills. The students visited whole mill and got deep knowledge about various processes and machinery used there. Furthermore, in the end Students discussed their quarries with industrial experts.